The Forbes Group

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Providing cost effective solutions to your environmental problems

Forbes is the UK’s leading manufacturer of
environmental technologies

Minimising nuisance odours across multiple industries

Nuisance odours can be generated by a wide range of processes across all industries and there are many compounds which can cause undesirable odours.

Scrubbing towers, using either water or a suitable chemical, can be used to reduce or remove odourous chemicals from gas streams. Concentrations of odourous chemicals can be reduced to well below their odour thresholds, particularly when used in combination with carbon adsorption.

Chemicals causing nuisance odours can be removed through simple absorption, using water, or adsorption combined with chemical reaction and / or oxidation. Common scrubbing chemicals used for odour control include sodium hydroxide, sodium hypochlorite and sulphuric acid.  

Activated Carbon

For the most sensitive applications, carbon adsorption can be used to reduce odour undetectable levels. Activated carbon can either be utilised as a polishing stage downstream of a scrubbing tower, or alone as a single stage treatment. Adsorption can give very high removal efficiencies and is ideal in applications where low emission limits are required.

Forbes have the knowledge and resources to design, build and install single or multi-stage odour control systems and can offer complete packages including control instrumentation, pipework, valves and control panels.

Typical applications include the following odourous compounds:

  • Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)
  • Ammonia (NH3)
  • Methyl mercaptan (CH3SH)
  • Other sulphurous compounds
  • Various acidic gases
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)


Our extensive ‘in-house’ capabilities include mechanical engineering design along with chemical process design. Our customers can be confident that Forbes’ odour control systems surpass all safety and environmental recommendations.

Forbes is able to offer a full range of on-site services to suit all budgets, from simple offloading and positioning of equipment, to large project managed solutions.

Speak to our sales team to find out more.

+44 (0)1366 389600

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Scrubbing Towers

Scrubbing Towers

Wetted packed towers are the simplest and most commonly used approaches to gas scrubbing.
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Carbon Adsorption

Carbon Adsorption

Carbon adsorption is highly efficient and achieves high levels of removal, especially with VOCs and odours.
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Turnkey Services

Services to suit all budgets

Design, fabrication, supply, installation & after-care. From the simple offloading and positioning of tanks and equipment to a full project managed turnkey service.
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